Offline Marketing Strategy

Do you have a marketing strategy for your business? But have you ever heard of an offline marketing strategy…?
marketing strategy

Do you have a marketing strategy for your business? You might have an ONLINE strategy ( if not, reach out for dates of our up and coming workshops) but do you have an offline marketing strategy? Here are some ideas to get you started…

Offline Marketing – What is that?

This can include flyers, business cards, car decals, fridge magnets, networking and in-person events, to name a few. Most of the time modern day offline marketing is built to support or go hand-in-hand with online efforts.

There are amazing tools to assist you with your graphics when you’re starting out. You don’t need to spend a fortune. Consider Canva or Picmonkey – both are free at entry level. Also, don’t under-estimate VistaPrint for fast, affordable graphics for your flyers, labels, business cards etc.

Make no mistake, offline marketing is still a viable option. Moreover, it helps you get you known and connected with people, potential customers and collaborators.

The key is to have an Offline Marketing Strategy, a plan that precisely pin points what tools you’re going to use where and when. Once you know what tools you intend using you can then go ahead and create them.

Offline Marketing Tips

Business Cards: Always great to have on hand for events you attend. Furthermore you can add them to gifts you donate for raffles or door prizes. Just holepunch the card, thread a ribbon through and tie it to the gift you donate. Your business cards are an extension of your brand. Be consistent. Use the same branding on everything you do, from your business card to flyers, social media, articles, email footers. You get the idea.

Brochures and Flyers: Don’t dismiss them as old hat. They still get results especially if you’re heading to an event or taking part in a market. Additonally, they help you gain visibility. Always keep your brochures in your car and your bag.

Letterbox Drop: Have you ever done a letterbox drop? Its a good way to get some exercise while you work. Pick a number you’ll drop each week and then go for a walk. Or you could pay someone to do it for you. There are companies that specialise in letterboxing. Totally up to you and your budget. However, keep in mind that a 1% contact rate from a letterbox drop exercise is considered a good return.

Rebranding: A small change can make a huge difference. Keeps things looking fresh, impressive and relevant. Rebrand across everything – including online (most websites need a rejig every 2 – 3 years). A rebrand also gives you a reason to make contact again. Word of caution: Don’t constantly rebrand. Why? You’ll lose all brand recognition. For example, imagine if McDonalds changed its colours every 12 months. They’re known for their red and yellow.

More Offline Marketing Tips

Coupons: Offer coupons to people you choose. Don’t discount. Value add. When you get X this certificate entitles you to Y too! Your customers appreciate the extra and your business gets increased exposure.

Cards and Gifts: How often do you get something pleasant in the mail? Not often. Send out cards and unexpected small gifts to clients. Use special occasions and event milestones. Make your name and brand known. Its a fun, low cost way to show up offline while telling your customers you value them. eg. Its our birthday, so here’s a birthday present for you.

Community Connections: Are you involved in the local community? With sporting clubs or charities? A great way to get your business known is to work with local community organisations that strike a chord with you. It could be volunteer work, pet fostering, local youth clubs, sporting events.

There are so many ways to get offline marketing to work for you. Reach out any time and let’s continue the conversation.

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